Michael Anthony Nelms
20th February 1951 – 18th August 2022
Passed away at home unexpectedly.
Loved father of Carl and Alice.
Devoted grandfather.
Loyal friend.
Gone too soon, Michael will be sadly missed.
A Service to celebrate and honor Michael’s life will be held at
The Cirrus Reflection Space, Bunurong Memorial Park on
Thursday 1st September 2022 commencing at 12pm.
Family and friends are invited to bring a handful of flowers
from their garden to place with Michael as they say farewell to him and
of course to wear a touch of red, white, and blue in honor and support of his beloved bulldogs!
Envelopes will provided at the service to collect cash donations on behalf of beyond blu.
In the gentle care of
Greenhaven Funerals
(03) 9569 0534